Golf Food Service is a company that provides products to consumers aged from 7 to 70 with Turkish palatal delight. Golf Food Service is increasing its investments every day and available to almost all out-of-home consumption points in Turkey. These points include hotels, city hotels, restaurants, cafe’s, pastry shops, dining halls, lojistics sector and offices. Golf Food Service is enriching and improving its product range every year and is proud of its portfolio.
Golf prepares modern and traditional tastes with Turkish palatal delight. Rich icecream portfolio is presented to icecream lovers all year long.
Golf’s unique tastes, delicious icecreams are visually appealing as well as culinary perfected
With Golf DreamBox, every out-of-home product you buy earns you a point. You can spend these points on 2300 prizes including electronics, white appliances, kitchenware and even vacations.